
Shifrah “Hoozambe” Cries Out For Help; Admits She Is Broke And Stressed



Video vixen Shifrah, who gained fame with D-Star in the Hoozambe song challenge, is currently going through difficult times in her life as she tries to make ends meet. She was once a sensation on the internet, but she is now looking for a better future because of the difficulties of personal stress and unstable finances.

Shifrah disclosed that her UGX 170,000 monthly rent has become an unbearable burden and that it is difficult to even satisfy her basic necessities in the absence of a steady source of income. She hopes to launch a modest business to support herself and her child despite her obstacles.

A rift with her previous management, which she claimed left her feeling taken advantage of, has made her problems worse.

“I got some misunderstandings with my old management, and we separated because I felt exploited,” she explained.

Since parting ways with her team, Shifrah has tried to rebuild her online presence, even creating a new TikTok account to land fresh gigs. Unfortunately, her efforts have yet to bear fruit.


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