
Muslims Commemorate The Islamic Unity Week



This function was organised by the Cultural Consulate of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in cooperation with Muteesa I Royal University, Islamic University in Uganda, Makerere University, Nkumba University, Jakayz College school and Kyambogo University to mark the birth of prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the prophet of mercy and unite Muslim faithfuls on the values of humility, empathy and solidarity.

This great event was officiated by H.E. Amokrane Mourad, Ambassador of Algeria, H.E. Dr. Tamouh Moustafa, the Syrian honorary consul, Mr. Ali Mohammad, deputy Ambassador of Saharawi Democratic Arab Republic, Mr. Bilal Mohsin, the deputy High Commissioner from the High Commission for Pakistan, Mr. Mohsen Aghaloo, the first secretary and representative of the Iranian Ambassador, Moulana Assadi, lecturer at Al-Mustafa Islamic College, Moulana Razawi,the resident Imam of Kampala Shia Ithna Ashari Jamaat among others.

Mr. Birende Jamiri, the marketing officer of Muteesa I Royal University which started in 2007 with headquarters in Masaka City.

Prof. Adam Ssebyala Al-maliky, the academic professor, stated with the statement of Algerian Military General who defied orders and said that the Quran is greater than everything.

He noted that prophet Muhammad was ranked as the most influential personality of all time by a Christian scholars after making several research studies of his life and how he lived.

He cautioned Muslim leaders who travel to Christian countries to resolve their internal issues yet prophet Muhammad left them with diligence and experienced knowledge and wisdom such as writing letters, tolerance, Love, peace, dialogue and so on.

Prophet Muhammad is still a great figure that is missed.

Dr. Tamouh Moustafa, the Syrian honorary consul, thanked the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran for organising this important event on prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He spoke about the importance of unity as the holy Quran clears to all human beings regardless of their backgrounds.

The enemies of Islam use our ignorance and illiteracy to divide Muslims into endless wars.

Dr. Faridah Nakazibwe Kyambadde, who represented the Associate Professor Madinah Nabukeera Sebyala, the Director of Islamic University in Uganda Females campus spoke about prophet Muhammad as a great model for the modern society.

She reechoeod the faithfuls to live peaceful, kindly, and harmonious in this contemporary world.

Sheikh Yusuf Mulumba Mayirikiti, the Director of Quran and Itra Association, mentioned that the unity week starts from 12th to 17th Rabbiul awwal which was declared by Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

He spoke about the controversial issues among Muslims, which are engineered by the enemies. He rallied participants not to impose their interpretations on others about religion.

He noted that one of the strategies of the enemies is to discard and indoctrinate the population in order to realize their selfish agenda and propaganda.

He said that those who fuel disunity are neither Shi’as nor Sunnis. He called upon participants to rely only on the pure values of Islam.

He called upon Muslim countries to unite and front their agendas, which will shape their future.

H.E. Muhammad Mayanja, the founder and chairman of Forum for Justice (JEEMA) and two times presidential candidate who appreciated the contributions of the Islamic Republic of Iran for their continuous efforts and support to the resistance movements in the Middle East Region to protect Palestinian people and other countries who are dying every day.

He wondered why other Muslim nations were silent about the genocide in Gaza.

Sister Sarah Sabbirah, a law student from Islamic University in Uganda Females campus, appreciated the organizers for the unity week conference amplified the message of unity, peace, dialogue and love.

Moulana Razawi, the resident Imam of Khoja Shia Ithna Ashari Jamaat, reflected on the few verses from the Holy Quran introducing the prophet of Islam

He noted that the holy Quran teaches us to take prophet Muhammad as the best role model, whom we should take leaf from in our daily lives.

He rallied participants to use the correct translations of the Quran to avoid misinformation and controversies.

Moulana Assadi, the lecturer at Al-Mustafa Islamic College, spoke about unity with God, unity among people, which is a plan of almighty Allah to see how much we’re realizing his call. We have a more fundamental identity of Islam than anything else in the world. It’s an obligation to all believers to be responsible for unity of the Islamic ummah to avoid social vices.

Mr. Abdollah Abbasi, the cultural counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, acknowledged the sincere cooperation of Prof. Vicent Kakembo,the Vice Chancellor of Muteesa I Royal University who accepted to hold the conference.

On the Message of Islamic Unity Week; he emphasized Peace, empathy and friendship which are the values of true followers of the pure Islamic school of thought for Prophet Muhammad and the manifestation of the unity of Muslims.

He noted that Islamic unity week is the best opportunity to consolidate unity among Muslims and this valuable opportunity should be used to consolidate the foundations of Islamic unity and not leave an excuse for enemies to infiltrate among Muslims. The naming of Islamic Unity Week from the very beginning of the victory of the Iranian Islamic Revolution thwarted all the conspiracies of the enemies of Islam and the revolution, who sought to achieve their evil goals by creating differences between Shiites and Sunnis.

The pride and honour of Muslims will defeat the enemies and prevent division in the camp of Islam; therefore, Islamic unity should be given more attention by Islamic thinkers, governments, and nations.

Looking at the developments of the past few months in the Middle East region and especially occupied Palestine, it is easy to understand the gap of unity among Islamic countries.

Unfortunately, the whole world is witnessing the genocide and countless crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza and other Palestinian cities as well as Lebanon and Syria, which is carried out with the support of the American government and some unwilling European governments.

A recent example was the Zionist regime’s act of modern genocide against the Lebanese people, which killed and injured thousands of innocent Lebanese people during the past few days with the electronic penetration of Pager messaging devices and their explosions. Now the question is, aren’t the people of Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria Muslim?

If all Islamic states and nations were united with each other and took the same and firm positions against the crimes of the Zionist regime, would this regime still dare to commit various types of crimes against humanity on a daily basis? The answer is clear: never…

In the end, while keeping alive the memory of the oppressed martyrs of Palestine, I pray for the glory and honour of Islam and Muslims and their unity and unity more than before.

Mr. Mohsen Aghaloo, the first secretary and representative of the Iranian Ambassador, congratulated participants upon the birth of prophet Muhammad and having the unity week conference.

He thanked the government of Uganda for the enabling environment where all religious denominations are free to worship.

As the Islamic Republic of Iran, they’ll continue to support the oppressed nations, including the Palestinian people.

He sent salutations and blessings to the most honourable of Prophets and Messengers, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and upon his pure family and noble companions.

Ambassador’ Message:“As we gather here to celebrate the noble birth of the great Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and his esteemed descendant,Imam Ja’far alSadiq (PBUH), we honor the memory of all martyrs and fighters who have worked for the unity of the Islamic Ummah. This conference presents a vital opportunity to once again highlight the importance of unity within the history and thought of Islam.

The 38th Int’l Islamic Unity Conference comes at a crucial time when the need for unity within the Muslim world is more urgent than ever. Unity is not a temporary or individual concept; it is a comprehensive intellectual framework rooted in our belief in the Holy Qur’an, the noble Prophet of Islam (PBUH), and his noble household.

Allah has commanded us in the Holy Qur’an,


This verse reminds us that we must cling to the divine rope and avoid division. It signifies both the obligation and the urgency of our unity.

Unity does not mean uniformity of schools of thought or the merging of the geographical boundaries of Muslim countries. Instead, it refers to the cohesion and solidarity necessary for preserving the collective interests of the Islamic Ummah. Our efforts towards unity should always focus on safeguarding and advancing the well-being of the entire Muslim world.

The noble Prophet of Islam (PBUH) was the epitome of patience, forbearance, and open-heartedness. His success in carrying out his prophetic mission was due, in large part, to his boundless patience and his faith in God.


He stands as a model of faith and struggle in the path of Allah, a timeless example for all humanity, especially for the modern world. Ignoring the teachings and legacy of the Prophet (PBUH) marks the beginning of moral and spiritual decline for humanity. For the Islamic Ummah, turning away from the Prophet’s guidance leads to backwardness and failure. The key to the Muslims’ victories throughout history has been their unity around the Qur’an and obedience to the Prophet (PBUH).

The enmity against unity is the clearest indicator of the hostility of foreign powers toward the Islamic Ummah. Today, it is the duty of every Muslim to strive with their words and actions to promote unity in the Islamic world.

Anyone who, knowingly or unknowingly, works toward division among Muslims is serving the enemies of Islam.

While this conference has been held annually, the focus of this year’s gathering is on the current pressing issues facing the Muslim world. The brutal atrocities committed by the Zionist regime in Palestine,Lebanon, and Syria demand a united and cohesive response from the Muslim world against the extremist forces of division.

In Palestine today, the initiative and creativity are in the hands of the resistance, and this is a direct result of the steadfast resistance that Muslims have adopted against their enemies.

The Islamic world, with its immense economic resources, prime geographic location, and illustrious historical heritage, holds a powerful and influential position on the global stage. We are now more ready than ever to play a leading role in global affairs.

In this regard, political and cultural diplomacy, along with strengthening communication in all fields,is of utmost importance. You, the intellectuals and scholars of the Muslim world must leverage these capacities, especially through cultural diplomacy, to enhance the connections among Muslims from Asia to Africa, from Africa to Europe, and other parts of the world.

I would also like to express our sincere gratitude to Muteesa I Royal University for organizing this important event. Their efforts in bringing scholars, intellectuals, and leaders together for the cause of unity are deeply appreciated.

Furthermore, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the government of the Republic of Uganda for all their efforts towards fostering unity and peace, not only within Uganda but across the region. Their commitment to these noble goals strengthen the foundation of harmony and understanding among all communities. In conclusion, we ask Allah Almighty to strengthen the Islamic Ummah on the path of unity and understanding.

Hon. Asuman Basalirwa, the chairman of the Muslim parliamentary forum and member of Parliament for Bugiri municipality as the guest of honored rallied participants to reflect on what they learnt from the prophet of Islam at different levels including our relationship with others regardless of their backgrounds. He rallied participants to always consider unity if they wanted to challenge the status quo of any aggressor.

He spoke about the dangers of negligence of the Muslim world about what’s going inclusive of the tragedy in Lebanon pagers.


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